There are many ways to stop a foreclosure without having to file bankruptcy. Call us today and find out how to stop foreclosure without bankruptcy.
Foreclosures in California remain steady. In spite of a strong economy, many borrowers are still struggling to pay their mortgages. Losing a job or sudden illness can cause a default. When a notice of default is sent to a homeowner, many people are told that bankruptcy is the best way to stop a foreclosure. However, not all homeowners qualify to file bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure. There are also many borrowers that do not want to file bankruptcy, for many reasons.
Ways to Stop a Foreclosure Without Filing Bankruptcy
There are many ways to stop foreclosure immediately and ways to stop foreclosure without having to file bankruptcy. Foreclosure lawyers can file a lawsuit when a lender breaks the laws and violates the homeowner’s rights. There are also non-legal options available to homeowners that stop the foreclosure process without having to go to court, such as applying for a modification or a short sale.
Filing a lawsuit is an option when the lender violates foreclosure laws in the following ways:
Dual tracking violations: When a lender offers to modify a loan and moves forward with foreclosure at the same time, California laws allow a homeowner to seek a court order stopping the sale and forcing the lender to pay damages.
- Misrepresentation: When a lender misleads a borrower and moves forward with foreclosure, California laws allow a homeowner to seek a court order stopping the sale and forcing the lender to pay damages.
- Accounting errors: When a lender provides the wrong payoff information or the wrong payment information to a borrower and moves forward with foreclosure at the same time, California laws allow a homeowner to seek a court order stopping the sale and forcing the lender to pay damages.
How To Stop Foreclosure
The foreclosure laws in California are very strong and very effective. California courts allow homeowners to stop mortgage foreclosure fraud and to seek damages for illegal foreclosure. California is one of the best states for homeowners that want to stop foreclosure without bankruptcy, and there are many options available to borrowers that are in distress.
When seeking information and advice, it is very important to select a good foreclosure attorney, somebody who is familiar with CA foreclosure laws, especially if you have been applied for a modification and are still being threatened with losing your home. The team at Consumer Action Law Group is available to advise borrowers of their legal rights and provide alternatives to bankruptcy for homeowners that want to stop a sale. It is best to call right away and talk to a lawyer before it’s too late. Once a house is sold in a foreclosure auction, it is very difficult to turn back the hands of time and get the house back.